A Wild Capitalism Appears - Professions & PokéDuels

The Taskmaster in his office in Nodenia

Hello citizens of Nodenia! Today we are here to talk about the new Professions system, PokéDuels and an upcoming event. Put on those reading glasses and let's get started.

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The Taskmaster has arrived in Nodenia and with him he has brought ample opportunities to earn an income. Choose from 13 professions and level them up to earn pokécoins from your related actions and amazing rewards at each level. Visit the Taskmaster at The Treasury in spawn or type /professions to get started.

We will be keeping an eye on the scaling and income earned over the next few weeks through professions and balancing them as we see fit. Once the scaling/income seems balanced and stable we will release the additional features of Daily Profession Missions and Professions Points Shop.

The Professions GUI

Two foes face to face, honoring a timeless code of chivalry in a ... Battle Arena? That's right, PokéDuels have made their way into this update as well. Battle it out and set a wager to see who comes out the victor. Use /pokeduel <player> <wager> in-game to setup a duel. Your wins and losses are tracked and can be viewed by hovering a name in chat!

A Preview of the Victory message in PokéDuels

A Challenge is Afoot...
Some more information has come to light on the upcoming festival in Nodenia. The Queen has let it slip that the King will be making an appearance and that we should expect tons of festivities surrounding Nodenia's Summer Solstice. There was even mention of a few new events, custom forged tools, imported pokémon from a far away land and shipments of new clothing and furniture. This should be an exciting time!

We hope you enjoy these new updates and changes to the world of Nodenia. We look forward to seeing you ingame!